Monday, October 6, 2008

Estate of Denial.Com goes to Washington will be joining our friends at Americans for Prosperity in Washington D.C. later next week for the Defending the American Dream 2008 Summit.

The American Dream is certainly under siege by the grave robbers and asset looters discussed on this site. Horace Cooper will discuss inheritance rights as part of a panel discussion. EoD’s Lou Ann Anderson will be there promoting our web site and visiting with people regarding the growing dangers posed by Involuntary Redistribution of Assets (IRA) actions. We’ll hear from a number of fabulous speakers including Dinesh D’Souza, George Will, John Stossel, John Fund, Fred Barnes and one of our favorites, Grover Norquist. With the current economic turmoil, this will be a most interesting time to be in D.C. Stay tuned as we will be posting updates directly from the Summit.

We at E.A. wish EoD the best of luck in D.C. speaking for all of us. Let the message come through loud and clear . IRA and looting and robbing from the dead and incapacitated by those that profit from the sweat equity of others is no longer acceptable, we are on to you and we are going to hold you responsible. Now is the time for all responsible lawyers,judges,and people everywhere to defend the American Dream and bring back dignity and justice into our lives.

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